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Giving to the building fund
By the grace of God we are able to move in and use large parts of our new building. However, we need to keep raising funds to fit out the whole building.
You can give to the WBC building fund:
- By clicking here to donate online >>
- By downloading a standing order form here >>
- By contacting our treasurer at
As well as giving sacrificially, the church family also runs many fundraising events specifically for the building fund.
If you have a fundraising idea, please let us know.
Regular financial giving at WBC
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
When we commit to giving regularly to the church and to others there are many blessings we receive. We experience a wonderful and genuine sense of community as we play our part in what God is doing in this world.
Regular giving supports the various ministries in the church
- paying the wages of our ministers and staff
- supporting those who are experiencing financial difficulty
- supporting home and international missions
- maintenance and running of our buildings
Regular financial giving at WBC can be given online or on any Sunday or through a Standing Order arrangement. All can also include Gift Aid. Also, look out for our new contactless Donation Station at Springwell!
If you’d like more information on Gift Aid and its benefits to the church, please email with your query.
giving through your bank
You can request our bank account details by emailing our finance team at
Please do also consider sending us a Gift Aid form if you are a UK tax payer.
Special offerings
We have special one-off collections for specific causes. These may be offerings we arrange for organisations or missions we support, or it may be in response to national or international emergencies.

Tithe or offering?
During Old Testament times, before Christ, the people of God were required to tithe – to give 10% of their earnings to the Lord to demonstrate, amongst other things, their gratitude and thankfulness to God for providing for their every need.
We are now living in New Testament times, after the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, so this part of the Old Testament law no longer applies to us. Christians are under no obligation to tithe. Instead, what God invites us to do is set aside a portion of our income (which could be more or less than 10%) as an offering that we freely and joyfully give to God because of what Christ has done for us.
Over the years, as our circumstances change, what we offer to God will most likely change. This is perfectly fine since what God cares about is not the amount but the way in which the offering is given. What God values, what God desires, is that all this children give from a heart overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving to Him because of what He has done for us – such a heart gives generously, willingly, and cheerfully.